Democrat Mac Connection? Dick Gephardt & Rob Atkinson Use iBooks In Technology Conference

In an interesting report from C|Net staff reporter Patrick Ross about a news conference from Democrats on the subject of technology, two prominent Democrats were noted as using iBooks. The Democrats are attempting to show a difference between their approach to government support for technology and the Republican approach. The iBooks seem to be entirely coincidental, having nothing to do with the news conference itself, but we thought it definitely interesting. According to the C|Net article:

In an online news conference in which Gephardt used an Apple Computer iBook while Daschle favored an unidentifiable black laptop, the leaders said if Democrats have their way, every American will be reached by broadband by the end of the decade. They were joined by iBook-using Rob Atkinson, director of the Progressive Policy Instituteis Technology and New Economy Project, who said Democrats also would seek to double federal research-and-development funding on civilian projects over the next 12 years.

There is much more information in the report about the news conference itself, so check it out if politics interests you.

For our non-US visitors, the American political is dominated by two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democrats are generally considered to be left of center, while the Republicans are considered to be generally right of center. As to how to define "center," thatis an issue for another venue.