Fastmac announced 8X Superdrive upgrades on Friday for Apple first and second generation MacBook and MacBook Pros. The drives feature single layer DVD burning at up to 8x speeds and dual layer burning at up to 4x speeds.
Fastmacis new 9.5mm ultra slim slot loading 8x SuperDrive is built specifically for Appleis early MacBook 13-inch and MacBook Pro 15-inch computers: its chassis is thin enough to fit perfectly (without modification) inside Appleis latest Intel based laptops unlike the standard slim-line drives found in earlier PowerBooks and iBook G4s.
It replaces Appleis original slow speed Combo or SuperDrive with a 100% compatible, plug & play internal drive that is 8 times faster than the MacBook Prois original optical drive. While the drive is user installable, professional install is highly recommended and is available through authorized dealers or via a 24-hour installation service provided by Fastmac directly for an additional $89.95. Shipping is included in that price.
These replacement drives are designed for first or second generation MacBook owners who want to replace their original combo or 4x optical drive, MacBook Pro owners who want to replace their 4x or 6x optical drive, or those who have had their drive fail and desire a cost effective replacement.
Fastmacis 8x SuperDrive upgrade for MacBooks is immediately available for a special introductory price of US$179.95. Each drive carries a 1-year warranty and a 30-day money back guarantee.
Note: To determine which optical system you have, consult your System Profiler in /Applications/Utilities and/or the MacTracker application.