In celebration of the new Indiana Jones movie, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the Iconfactory on Tuesday announced that it has set up a page that will include Leopard (and Vista) resources: icons, custom dock for Mac, and desktop pictures.
"For the past 6 months, artist Anthony Piraino has been crafting all new icons for Indy?s return to the big screen, and so we?re kicking off May with a re-release of Anthony?s original Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark collection, now with beautiful large resources for Mac OS X Leopard and Windows Vista.
"Indy?s bullwhip, trademark fedora and treasures never looked so good! In addition, the CandyBar iContainer sports a fun custom dock, and Dave Brasgalla has worked up a special Indy desktop picture perfect for armchair archaeologists," the Iconfactory said.
The Iconfactoryis Indiana Jones home page currently has desktop icons. More items will be released throughout the month. A special desktop picture for Macs and iPhones is also available now for download.