Livescribe announced the public beta version of its Livescribe Desktop for Mac application on Monday. The app adds Mac compatibility to the Pulse smartpen, including handwriting to text transcription.
The Pulse smartpen is a pen that records handwriting and audio at the same time, synchronizes the audio to the captured text, and lets you play back audio recordings based on what you were writing. It also downloads its text and audio recordings to your computer, and with the Livescribe Desktop application converts your handwriting into text.
The Livescribe for Mac public beta requires Mac OS X 10.5 or higher and an Intel-based Mac. The beta software will be available as a free download at the Livescribe Web site on November 24, and the final shipping version will be available in the first quarter of 2009.
The company also announced that users can now print out their own grid paper for use with the Pulse smartpen from the Livescribe Desktop application.
The Pulse smartpen is priced at US$149 for the 1GB model, and $199 for the 2GB model.