O'Reilly Releases "Home Hacking Projects for Geeks"

< A href="http://www.oreilly.com/">OiReilly has published a new book called Home Hacking Projects for Geeks, a how-to title for automation projects for your home. The company said the book is intended for both neophytes and "tool-wielding masterminds," and is intended to show you how to so things like install automatic lights and other such projects.

"This fun new guide combines creativity with electricity and power tools to achieve cool--and often even practical--home automation projects," the company said in a statement.

The book doesnit have anything Mac-specific, while it does include instructions for building home theater systems with Windows or Linux, but it should otherwise appeal to geeks of all varieties.

The book includes 13 projects, including:

  • Remotely Monitor Your Pet
  • Make Your House Talk
  • Remotely Control Your Computeris MP3 player
  • Create Time-Shifted FM Radio
  • Watch Your House Across the Network
  • Build a Home Security System

The title is priced at US$29.95, and you can find more information at OiReillyis Web site.