Oingo Makes Ads Smarter

Oingo has released a new application allowing advertising to be greatly targeted. By analyzing search terms, Oingois AdSense can accurately match users requests with relevant advertising. According to Oingo:

Oingo Inc., the leader in meaning-based technology, has launched AdSense, a new application that delivers highly targeted advertisements online by analyzing the meanings of a useris search terms. AdSense accurately matches banner ads against the meanings of search words, effectively quadrupling current market click-through rates.

"The effectiveness of online advertising has been a point of debate within marketing circles for quite some time," Gil Elbaz, president, Oingo, said. "With AdSense, weive been able to deliver significant, measurable results. In addition to accurately targeted ads, weire achieving click-through rates four times above the industry average." Online advertisement spending reached more than $4 billion in the first half of 2000, according to PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

AdSense caters to Internet portals, e-commerce sites, content providers and search engines that seek to offer their customers the best return on their Internet advertising investments. Traditionally, a portal sells 30% of its search inventory as targeted. By supplementing traditional keyword-based sales with AdSense-enabled targeting, the portal can sell 90% of its inventory as targeted to usersi search queries.

The foundation of AdSense is Oingois proprietary meaning-based technology, which is able to analyze the meanings behind search terms. When a user enters a search query, AdSense is able to understand its meaning and return the most relevant advertisement category or banner ad. This capability is powered by the Oingo Ontology, a comprehensive database of millions of words, concepts and relationships.


  • Language Options - AdSense can target search strings entered in both English and Spanish. The application will soon be available in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Portuguese.
  • Customization/Scalability - AdSense is an XML-based application that is fully customizable to a companyis unique set of advertisement categories or banner ads and can be integrated with any existing ad serving systems.
  • Reliability/Speed - Oingois geographically load-balanced Linux-based server farms have the ability to serve millions of AdSense results per day and to produce results in under five milliseconds.

Pricing for AdSense is dependent upon the number of ads served. You can find more information at the Oingo web site.