Scrolling in Background Windows

Scrolling up or down in document or Finder windows is something we do every day, and itis a task that doesnit have to be limited to the currently selected window. You can scroll through non-selected, or background, windows, too, and it doesnit involve crazy origami finger positions, either.

If you have a Mac laptop that supports two-finger scrolling, just place the mouse pointer over the window you want to scroll through. Now use the two-finger trackpad scrolling shortcut to move up or down through the window. This trick works with mice that support window scrolling, too.

Position the pointer over the window you want to scroll, no need to select the window first.

I use this trick when I am researching information on the Internet. I can scroll up or down through a Web page while taking notes in OmniOutliner or BBEdit without having to first jump back to my Web browser.

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