Firefox 3 was released a week ago, on June 17th. Guinness judges are still looking at the numbers to determine if the 8 million downloads on the first day broke the current record. Meanwhile, the download number has exceeded 18 million in the last week.
Most of the downloads came from the U.S, with Germany and the U.K. taking second and third place. One country that has exactly zero downloads: North Korea.
The Mozilla Developer Center has pointed to an interview conducted by Federico Biancuzzi. He tracked down two key members of Mozilla?s security team, Window Snyder and Johnathan Nightingale to learn more about the security features included in Firefox 3 and linked to it.
The latest Net Applications Market Share numbers for all platforms show that Firefox has over 18 percent market share and is climbing. Safari is has reached 6 percent, but isnit growing at the same rate as Firefox. Internet Explorer still dominates with just under 74 percent and is in slow decline due to the gains of Firefox.