Third Preview Release Of ProSQL From Intelli Innovations

Intelli Innovations, Inc. is offering a third preview release of ProSQL. ProSQL is a database management app designed for direct access to data without needing SQL query syntax knowledge. The preview adds HTML reporting and mySQL administration tools as well as other enhancements. According to Intelli Innovations:

Intelli Innovations, Inc., developers of innovative business and Internet tools for the Macintosh platform, is pleased to announce the third preview release of ProSQL, its new database management and reporting software for the Macintosh platform.

ProSQL offers users the ability to directly access the tables and data in their database, display and search that information, and generate reports without requiring any knowledge of SQL query syntax or database engines.

Preview 3 adds HTML reporting, mySQL administration tools, a built-in local database engine, REALbasic database developer tools, field sorting, and several other items.

You can find more information about the third preview release of ProSQL at the Intelli Innovations, Inc. Web site. ProSQL is available free until November 31st.