Three Column Mail in Leopard

One of my favorite plug-ins for Mail in Tiger is Aaron Harnlyis Letterbox because it adds a great three column view to Appleis email application. Unfortunately, Letterbox hasnit been updated yet to work with Mac OS X 10.5 -- but I did find an alternative.

Dane Harnettis WideMail 0.0.5 plug-in, like Letterbox, adds a three column view to Mail. The first column shows your accounts and mailboxes, the second shows messages, and the third displays the selected message. Message rows in the second column alternate colors which makes it easier to pick out individual emails.

WideScreen adds a three column view to Leopardis Mail application.

At version 0.0.5, WideMail is still early in its development, but it does appear to be relatively stable. Even so, donit be surprised if you encounter the occasional bug.

WideMail is free, but the developer wonit turn donations away. You can download WideMail at Dane Harnettis Web site.

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