The Gartner report on smartphones released recently drew the wrong conclusions about the industry, especially Apple, according to Jason Schawrz at Seeking Alpha on Tuesday. He provided six reasons why AAPL is still a Buy.
First, he pointed out that the iPhone 3G wasnit even available in Q2. Moreover, Appleis competitors are seeing their growth rates reduced, but theyid rather blame it on something other than the iPhone or their own bad performance.
Two articles were pointed to as the consensus description of the state of Apple: Jim Goldmanis analysis at CNBC which said that AAPL is suffering from the fatigue of too much hype. The second was written by Jim Cramer who said that Apple is in a bear market and will be for some time.
Mr. Schwarz offered an alternative view and maintained that this is the time to buy:
- The debate on Mr. Jobsi health is coming to an end.
- Investors have figured out that using the Price/Earnings ratio is not an accurate way to value Apple stock.
- Seasonal data has shown that this is the best time of year to buy AAPL.
- International iPhone sales will get a boost in Russia and China.
- There is no sign that Microsoft will stop losing market share to the Mac.
- Appleis plan to gain market share at the expense of margins will play it self out after Tuesdayis event.
In short, Mr. Schwarz advised to be a buyer, not a seller.
In morning trading, APPL was trading at US$156.90, down $1.02.
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