YML: Newsweek's Steven Levy Talks MacBook Air

Your Mac Life (YML), with Shawn King, which airs every Wednesday night, will chat with Newsweekis Steven Levy about his impressions of the new MacBook Air. In addition, YML will talk to Rosetta Stoneis Director of Learning Duane Sider about their new learning product.

Steve Levy, who wrote "The Skinny on the MacBook Air" was one of the few journalists to work with the MacBook Air long before anyone outside Apple had even seen one. Heill provide his impressions.

"This coming November, Lesa will be teaching on the Mac Mania 8 Cruise through the Mediterranean Ocean. Sheis determined to learn at least conversational Italian so on tonightis show, weire going to talk to Rosetta Stoneis Director of Learning Duane Sider about their product and how it works - maybe she can learn Italian in ten months!" Shawn King said.

YML is videocast each Wednesday night from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM Pacific Time or from 8:30 PM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time. An audio only version only is also available.