Michael Tsai released EagleFiler 1.3 on Tuesday. The new version added "capture with options," batch change, uses QuickLook to display files types that EagleFiler doesnit recognize and more.
In addition, an untagged smart folder was added to the source list, date created and Tag names were added to the records list, and specialized viewing and indexing support was added for iCal (.ics) and vCard (.vcf) files.
Eagle Filer allows the user to archive and search mail, Web pages, PDF files, word processing documents, images, and more. The browser shows different types of files using a standard three-pane interface. Items can be organized into folders and annotated with tags and notes. EagleFiler stores its library in Finder format, so it can be used with other tools in the Mac OS X ecosystem.
Mr. Tsai has published a complete list of changes in version 1.3.
EagleFiler 1.3 is a Universal Application and requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later. It is priced at US$40.00.