Foxconn Electronics is reportedly "in the running" to be the manufacturer for an Apple-branded netbook, according to Chinese-language newspaper Commercial Times via a translation from the English-language DigiTimes. The report cited unnamed sources in the component supply chain in Taiwan.
Foxconn has long been a manufacturer of Apple's products, and the company is currently producing MacBooks. The CommercialTimes report added that MacBook production would be a, "major notebook shipment growth contributor in the second quarter."
There were no additional details on the unannounced netbook from Apple.
This is but the latest of a series of newspaper articles saying Apple was working with Taiwan manufacturers on a netbook, though Apple COO Tim Cook said as recently as January that his company was only watching the space, and had no plans for a netbook.
In March, Dow Jones Newswire reported that Apple was developing a touchscreen device with a 9.7"-10" screen for the netbook market. Reporter Wei Yi Lim said that Taiwan-based Wintek Corp. is developing the display, while Apple's longtime manufacturing partner Quanta would be manufacturing the device.
Other reports have originated from DigiTimes, which has cited various unnamed sources in either the OEM manufacturers themselves, or sources within the supply chain.