iOS 4.2: Adding Birthdays to Calendars

iOS 4.2 makes it easier to keep track of family and friend’s birthdays thanks to its new found ability to display birthdays in Calendar. Getting those dates into the Calendar app, however, can be a little confusing if you don’t know where to start.

Birthday events start with the Birthday field in Contacts

To add someone’s birthday to the Calendar app, do this:

  • Launch the Contacts app on your iPad or iPod touch. On your iPhone, tap Phone, then Contacts.
  • Select the contact you want to add a birthday date to, then tap Edit.

Enter the date in the Birthday field

  • Tap add field, then select Birthday.
  • Enter the birth date in the freshly added field.
  • Tap Done.

Your friend’s birthday is now part of their contact info

The birthdays you add to Contacts will appear as untimed events in the Calendar app, complete with a wrapped present badge to let you they are special events.

Contact’s birthdays appear events in Calendar

[Thanks to maggiecda for asking me on Twitter about adding birthdays as events.]