Apple CEO Steve Jobs apparently dropped by the company offices on Wednesday to attend a directors meeting. According to sources that saw Mr. Jobs on campus, he seemed healthier, possibly indicating that his six month leave of absence for medical reasons has been helping.
Mr. Jobs's appearance at Apple's offices may be a sign that he is on track to return to work on schedule at the end of June. He chose to take some time off starting in January to focus on his health issues related to his recovery from pancreatic cancer.
In a letter to employees, Mr. Jobs said "In order to take myself out of the limelight and focus on my health, and to allow everyone at Apple to focus on delivering extraordinary products, I have decided to take a medical leave of absence until the end of June."
The news of Mr. Jobs's appearance on the Apple campus may spark new rumors of a possible appearance at the company's World Wide Developers Conference on June 8. If so, that would be a big surprise for attendees since he isn't scheduled to return until the end of the month.
[Thanks to setteb.IT for the heads up.]