Apple updated the MacBook on Tuesday with faster processors, longer battery life, and a new Rose Gold finish. The company also said the Macbook is "the future of the notebook," hinting at what we can expect from the next major MacBook Pro refresh.
Now you can get the MacBook in pink Rose Gold
The new MacBook sports 1.1GHz and 1.2 GHz Intel Core M processors, 25 percent faster graphics, 8GB 1866MHz RAM, faster PPCIe-based flash storage, 12-inch 2304x1440 Retina Display, USB-C, 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, 480p FaceTime camera, built-in stereo speakers and dual microphones, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and up to 11 hours battery life from its 41.4 watt-hour battery. Apple didn't switch from USB C to Thunderbolt 3 even though the connector design is the same, which means that's most likely a feature we'll see on the next MacBook Pro instead.
Apple senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller said, "MacBook is the thinnest and lightest Mac we have ever made and it's our vision for the future of the notebook." That's a pretty big hint at what's in store for the next MacBook Pro: a much thinner body, even fewer moving parts, USB-C, and likely Thunderbolt 3.
The new MacBook makes the MacBook Air feel even more out of date, so Apple bumped up the RAM configuration on the US$999 and $1199 13-inch model from 4GB to 8GB. The 11-inch and 13-inch models are still capped at 8GB RAM.
The 1.1 GHz MacBook is priced at US$1299 and includes 256 GB storage. The 1.2 GHz model includes 512 GB storage and costs $1599. The MacBook is available in Space Gray, silver, gold, and now Rose Gold, too.