NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker doesn’t seem overly interested in signing up for Apple’s US$0.99 TV show rentals program any time soon. He sees the sub one dollar price point as too low and thinks it would devalue his network’s shows, according to Reuters.
“We do not think 99 cents is the right price point for our content… We thought it would devalue our content,” he said. Mr. Zucker’s sentiments mirror those of Time Warner, which is also sitting out iTunes TV show rentals.
Mr. Zucker added that content is already available for purchase at the iTunes Store for $1.99 per show.
Apple introduced its low cost show rental program during a special media event at the beginning of September. So far, only Fox and ABC are on board with iTUnes Store TV show rentals.
Rental shows are available to the the iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 4.1, and will be available on the second generation Apple TV when it ships later this month.