We first heard from Nanodots two years ago when they came around to tell us about their original Nanodots: small neodymium magnets that you can mash and put together to build all kinds of things. We loved them and raved about them on Mac Geek Gab. And frankly, we haven't been able to put them down since. In addition to using them to craft cool shapes, Nanodots just feel good to play with. They're the ultimate stress relief toy, way more satisfying than all those other balls. Well, it turns out some folks just don't like the idea of kids playing with small magnets (and potentially swallowing them). Good thing for Nanodots that they had a new idea: GYRO. GYRO hasn't shipped yet, but will in December if you order soon. GYRO solves the swallowing problem by making the magnets bigger – golf-ball sized – and way cooler: the balls are plastic and the magnets are inside... in a gyroscope configuration. The video is worth watching and, if our bets are right, we'll have new, bigger balls to play with just in time for Christmas.
Check It Out: Nanodots GYRO: Bigger Balls to Play With