The folks at 9to5Mac reported that Siri will become a lot more proactive in learning how to pronounce names in iOS 7. This will happen in two ways: the first is that she will ask for pronunciation tips if she doesn't immediately understand you. Users will also be able to tell Siri "That's not how you pronounce [any name]" in order to start the same name-learning process. There's no word yet on whether there will be other ways to say it. This wasn't a feature announced by Apple—the company barely scratched the surface when showing off the new mobile OS—but it will be a welcome one that greatly enhances the Siri experience for all users as the data gets added to Siri's knowledge base. There are a couple of screnshots in the 9to5Mac story.
Check It Out: Siri Turns Proactive in Learning to Pronounce Names in iOS 7