Apple CEO Tim Cook and COO Jeff Williams told Apple employees on Thursday that its iPad product line will return to growth by the end of 2016. According to 9to5Mac, the two executives participated in a town hall meeting with Apple employees. In addition to the iPad comments, they said Apple Watch was one of the “hottest” holiday gifts, with sales surpassing the original iPhone launch of 2007 (which is a mostly irrelevant comparison, but interesting nonetheless). Other highlights include a bright future for Apple TV and the living room, the possibility of expanding more Apple services outside of Apple's hardware ecosystem (i.e. to Android), more leave benefits to employees, and a big step towards insuring all of its smelted metals are conflict-free. Check out Mark Gurman's report for more info.
Check It Out: Tim Cook Says iPad Will Return to Growth, iPhone will Grow, Apple TV has 'Bright Future'