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The Mac's market share is on the rise, the iPhone's world wide reach is growing by leaps and bounds, and O2 says new iPhone models are just around the corner. Intel explains away what looked like a new iPhone technology leak, Microsoft is bringing Office Visual Basic scripting back to the Mac, the iTunes Store added two-tier pricing, Yahoo was hit with a surprise proxy battle -- not from Microsoft -- and Steve Jobs will be speaking to a sold out crowd at WWDC. This week's Quick Tip: Working with Dictionary's panel view.
The Apple Weekly Report will be included in TMO's main RSS feed, and also in its own feed if you'd like to add it directly to your podcatching client. If you enjoy the podcast, please consider rating us, reviewing us, and voting for us! You can vote at: You can also review us at the iTunes Music Store. |
- The Context Machine Fodder
- NPD: Apple Market Share 66% for PCs over $1,000
- Orange Gets Europe, Middle East, Africa iPhone Deal
- Swisscom Bringing iPhone to Switzerland
- O2: 3G iPhone Only Weeks Away
- Intel Debunks iPhone Atom Rumors
- Microsoft Says Visual Basic Returning to Office
- HBO Joins iTunes with Two-tier Pricing
- Icahn Ready to Dump Yahoo Board
- Yahoo to Icahn: Get a Clue
- Apple Confirms a Steve Jobs WWDC Keynote Address
- WWDC "Sold Out" For First Time
- TMO Quick Tip - Change Dictionary's Default View to Panel
- TMO on Twitter!
PageSender, the full-featured fax software from SmileOnMyMac
This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
Bass by Boom, for TMO.