John and Dave took the show back to Talkshoe, this time incorporating some pre-prepped material along with the live questions and comments. The live aspect brings some additional spontaneity and yet still the same geeks you know and love. Definitely not an episode you'll want to miss!
N ote: Shownotes are complete!
- Time Machine Editor
- 10.5: Set the Time Machine backup interval (via Mac OS X Hints)
- hdiutil
- Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck
- Alsoft DiskWarrior
- Matias iRizer
- iStat Pro
- MacBook Pro SMC Firmware Update 1.3
- Road Tools CoolPad
- Battery Health Monitor
- AirRadar
- ChronoSync
- arRsync
- Automatically eject/mount disks on sleep/wake
- SleepWatcher
- Synchronize! Pro X
- 120 Minute IPA
- 10.5: Repair Time Machine after logic board changes (via Mac OS X Hints)
- SafeNet
- Solid state drive (SSD)
- Cha-Ching 2
- Squirrel 0.7.5 (via Apple)
- Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2009 (WWDC)
- Iowa Code Camp iPhone / Mac OS X Session
- You're downloading today's show from CacheFly's network
- BackBeat Media Podcast Network
- MacGeekGab AAC Enhanced Feed - Thanks to of iPhone Alley.