MacPractice Announces iPad Interface with ePrescribe

“Doctors have overwhelmed us with requests to use an iPad with MacPractice and particularly to ePrescribe,” Mark Hollis, President of MacPractice, said in a statement. “Today, we are announcing an iPad replacement for the index cards used by so many physicians to record hospital rounds, but this product can perform much more than that for physicians, dentists, and chiropractors.”

According to the company, doctors can create new patient records in MacPractice from the iPad and post procedures and diagnosis from outside the office or in an exam room, daily practice activity reports can be reviewed easily from outside the office, reminders and notes may be sent between the office staff and the doctor, and e-mail may be sent to patients and referring providers.

Users can also see their office schedule as well as patient photos and demographic information. Users can also use it to review and record patient vital statistics and chronic diagnoses, and review prescription history and allergies when seeing a patient.

The ePerscribe support allows doctors to write a prescription on their iPad, where it is then automatically added to the patient’s records in the office.

MacPractice iPad Interface with ePrescribe and MacPractice Interface for iPhone can be purchased together for US$800, with an annual support fee of $200 per interface ($400 for both).

MacPractice for iPad

Appointment Schedule in MacPractice iPad Interface with ePrescribe

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