Steven Spielberg Worried About How Streaming Will Affect Theatrical Movies

Steven Spielberg

The Verge writes: “Over the weekend, in a speech at the Cinema Audio Society’s CAS Awards, director Steven Spielberg reminded listeners yet again that he’s specifically dedicated to a theater-based cinematic experience as ‘a firm believer that movie theaters need to be around forever.'”… and “for all the high-quality content streaming services are producing and regardless of the quality of people’s home theater setups, ‘there’s nothing like going to a big dark theater with people you’ve never met before, and having the experience wash over you.’” (Image credit: Gage Skidmore.)

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Check It Out: Steven Spielberg Worried About How Streaming Will Affect Theatrical Movies

6 thoughts on “Steven Spielberg Worried About How Streaming Will Affect Theatrical Movies

  • It pains me to say, but the theater experience just isn’t as magical as it used to be. I do remember what SS is talking about, but just haven’t seen it in a while. Nobody waits in line to see a movie anymore so that communal experience is done. It costs so much for tickets and food now that families jump from screen to screen in the multiplexes to see (parts of) as many movies as they can- kind of like a theme park, and that’s very distracting to those who want to just sit and watch from opening crawl to final credit. I personally don’t like the newer and remodeled theaters with giant cushy recliners, as I’m there to watch a movie not fall asleep in public. Between the car traffic, parking, crowds, cost, smells, sticky floors, noisy and restless patrons… we kinda do prefer watching from the comfort of our own house on a decent sized 4k screen.

    That said, for social youngsters back in “the day” there was nothing like movie line gossip, a rush to front row seats, communal cheers and jeers, and a fast-food meal afterwards to excitedly discuss everything you just saw together. I sincerely hope some kids today are still getting to experience something akin to that.

  • Movie theaters are dying and I say, “let them die.”

    I like movie theaters when people are respectful and enthusiastic – not when they are talking, stumbling around, sneezing, etc.

    I think new movies should be allowed to be streamed day of release at a high price, where you would host a party and invite friends over to watch – like some sporting events now are. After some time it goes down in price to where its free on some service like Netflix.

  • there’s nothing like going to a big dark theater with people you’ve never met before…

    Oh yeah, way to sell it.
    THAT sound’s appealing. You gonna hand out disease masks and personal defense items at the door?
    How about next time using terms like “social” or “community” experience.

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