Google Unveils the Mac Developer Playground

Google announced on Tuesday the unveiling of its Mac Developer Playground. Google’s Mac team engineers spend part of their time experimenting and developing useful tools and fun software. Now they’ve opened it up, according to Sean Carlson at Google.

“We’ve always had a place to showcase our consumer products. Today, we’re unveiling the Google Mac Developer Playground, a Website where the Mac community can look for new and interesting open source projects and demos from our Mac team. You’ll find a variety of projects that we work on in our 20% time, like CoverStory, as well as our more mature open source projects such as MacFUSE and the GData libraries,” Google said.

One of the new projects the company is highlighting is Stats. It was created in Dave MacLachlan’s spare time and allows the coordination of status messages for those with more than one IM client.

Google has invited everyone to come join in the fun at the Mac Develeloper Playground.

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