Apple Explains How To Add Calendars to iCal

Apple has added a new article to the Knowledge Base explaining how to add other peopleis calendars to iCal. Appleis Knowledge Base (sometimes referred to as the KBase) is a central location for all of Appleis support documents and other important information.

iCal has the ability to "subscribe" to other iCal calendars so that the events show up in your calendar. Apple has created a short how-to explaining how to go about adding calendars. From Apple:

If you know the URL of an iCal calendar that someone has published on the Internet, you can add that calendar to your Calendars list by subscribing to it.

To subscribe to a calendar:

  1. Choose Subscribe from the Calendar menu.
  2. Enter the URL for the calendar you want to subscribe to.
  3. If you want iCal to update this calendar when changes to it are published on the Internet, select the "Refresh" checkbox.
  4. If you want to see or hear any alarms or To Do items associated with the calendar, deselect the "Remove alarms" or "Remove To Do items" checkboxes.
  5. If the calendar is on a server that requires a login name or password, click the triangle next to "Advanced options," select the "Needs authentication" checkbox, and enter the login information.
  6. Click OK.

The calendar and its events appears in your Calendars list. You can rename it by double-clicking the name, but you cannot make any other changes to calendars youive subscribed to.

The iCal library ( has calendars you can use with iCal to stay on top of everything from ball games and concerts to major holidays to movie openings and DVD release dates to Apple store events along with links to other iCal related sites.

This document contains information from Help Center, the help system included with your computer.

You can read the Knowledge Base article at Appleis Web site.