Apple hosted its "Hey Siri, give us a hint" media event today where the iPad Pro, new Apple TV, and updates iPhone models were introduced. Jeff and Bryan dive into the Apple Watch's new colors, the 12.9-inch iPad Pro's features and companion Apple Pencil, the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, 3D Touch, updated cameras, and more.
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- New Apple Watch Models Available Today, watchOS 2.0 Ships September 16th
- Apple Announces iPad Pro, with Keyboard and 'Apple Pencil' Stylus
- Apple Announces iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus with 3D Touch
- New Apple TV Ships in Fall with Siri, Games, New Remote, and Apps
- TMO Daily Observations 2015-09-09: Apple's new iPad Pro, Apple TV
- Support TMO when you buy your Apple gear
- Jeff's Instagram feed
- Bryan's Instagram feed
- Jeff's blog: Fresh Brewed Tales
- Bryan's blog: Geek Tells