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Sales at Apple's App Store have topped $30 million, Microsoft managed to get Open XML approved as an ISO standard, Wall Street says Apple is worth more than Google, and Nancy Heinen kissed and made up with the SEC. There really is a kill switch in the iPhone, chips may be behind iPhone 3G connection issues, T-Mobile wants its own App Store, and Best Buy is joining the iPhone band wagon. This week's Ask Jeff: Resetting iPhone warnings in iTunes.
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- The Context Machine Fodder
- App Store Sales Hit $30M
- Microsoft's Open XML Moves Forward as ISO Standard
- Wall Street: Apple Worth More than Google
- Apple's Former General Counsel Settles SEC Charges
- Jobs Confirms iPhone App Kill Switch
- iPhone 3G Connection Issues May be Chip Problem
- T-Mobile Will Counter Apple with its Own App Store
- Best Buy to Sell iPhone 3G
- Apple Releases iPhone 2.0.2 Update
- NYT: Apple's MobileMess
- iPhone Due in 20 More Countries on August 22
- Ask Jeff - iTunes: Resetting iPhone and iPod Warnings
- TMO on Twitter!
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This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
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Bass by Boom, for TMO.