Restoring lost contacts, signing onto websites with Facebook, cloning drives, troubleshooting external enclosures and learning about the behind-the-scenes of junk mail filtering are just some of the topics discussed by your two favorite geeks today. Download and enjoy!
Note: Shownotes are complete!
Stuff mentioned:
- Cyber Monday
- Add an IP Address and OS Version Display to the OS X Login Page (2:39)
- Maintenance (4:06)
- OS X: About Gatekeeper
- Optimize Your WiFi Network to Stream Music Over AirPlay (10:01)
- GIMP (11:59)
- Camera Plus Pro (13:34)
- Hazel (15:46)
- Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF)
- iTunes Card Deals
- Sonos comes to Apple Music
- Mac Basics : The Finder (21:12)
- Force an app to close on your Mac
- How to Quit & Force Quit Apps from Dock Icons in Mac OS X
- Restart the Finder in Mac OS X
- Get help using iCloud Contacts (33:05)
- Contacts: Export and import your contacts
- iMazing to restore from a stuck iPhone
- Add Facebook Login to Your App or Website (46:08)
- Check your Twitter account’s allowed services
- Check your Facebook account’s allowed services
- Ghostery
- SuperDuper! (56:46)
- HardwareGrowler (1:06:47)
- OWC’s Voyager
- Use Health on your iPhone or iPod touch (1:15:08)
- iCloud: Why am I getting junk mail (spam)? (1:17:34)
- iCloud: Identifying and filtering junk mail
- Sanebox
- The Mac Geek Gab iPhone app
- You're downloading today's show from CacheFly's network
- BackBeat Media Podcast Network
- MacGeekGab AAC Enhanced Feed - Thanks to Michael Johnston of The iOS Show and Applr.