Arabic App Store Rolls Out to Devs

ios 13 App store
Expect changse to how we can view the home screen.

Apple pushed out an Arabic version of the App Store to developers. It will be fully rolled out as part of iOS 13. The Jerusalem Post reported it is part of a wider push into the Arab world from the company.

The store will “open” to the general public simultaneously with the release of Apple’s latest operating software system, IOS-13. This move is seen largely as the company’s latest attempt at capturing the growing Middle East market. “Apple is continuing its push for localized content in the Arab world by releasing a version of its App Store – in full Arabic glory,” Noura Alzabie, a strategist and project manager at the Bahrain chapter of the Global Social Media Club, told The Media Line. Apple opened its first store in the Arab world in 2015, and the amount of Arabic content available, while still relatively small, has since grown.

Check It Out: Arabic App Store Rolls Out to Devs

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