Cord Cutters Take Big Chunk Out Of Cable

Data from Leichtman Research Group showed the rise in cord cutters continues unabated.  Cable companies lost 455,263 subscribers in Q2 2019. Traditional TV as a whole lost 1.53 million subscribers in the quarter.  Fast Company took a look at the research.

Leichtman says this is the fourth consecutive quarter of record losses for the industry, but the bigger story is that cable TV losses are in line with where satellite providers were a year ago. In Q2 2018, Dish Network and DirecTV combined for a loss of 478,000 subscribers, and last quarter, their losses nearly doubled year-over-year, to 857,000 subscribers. Without big changes, cable TV could be looking at similarly bleak results a year from now. Not that they care too much. While satellite providers don’t have other clear business models to fall back on, cable companies can profit from cord cutting by selling more internet service at faster speeds.

Check It Out: Cord Cutters Take Big Chunk Out Of Cable

5 thoughts on “Cord Cutters Take Big Chunk Out Of Cable

  • We dropped Cable last month. Replaced $90 a month with, well, so far $5.99 a month for CBS All Access. Might add Hulu this fall. If we’re feeling flush maybe Netflix. That comes to at MOST $24 a month. Not too bad a savings.

    1. I got rid several cable boxes and hooked up a digital antenna, it is very handy when I want to watch high speed chases on the Los Angeles channels. We also use the Apple TV quite a bit, but I still have cable service.

      1. Yes we still are connected to the cable company for Internet. But dropping cable TV took a big bite out of our bill. About half.

    2. If it wasn’t for my wife I would consider and probably would drop the TV part of our service. On the other hand I signed up for Apple Music and am really appreciating it. News+ too. I think that ome way or the other we are going to pay the piper

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