Passwords Are Dying. Here Are Some Solutions.

Unknown Criminal

Passwords are dying, and nobody is going to miss them very much. Fast Company reported on firms who are leading on finding the alternatives, including MobileIron, and even Google. Not surprisingly, there is a large focus on biometrics.

Most people still don’t use a password manager, which leads many to select the weakest password they can get away with under whatever rules an organization or site sets. That makes most passwords somewhat or highly vulnerable to cracking. With many businesses relying on scads of services to get work done, one service that allows weak passwords–or suffers a breach–can render many other linked services vulnerable. To avoid a password is to rely on an approach in which identity and access are paired. Once you have enrolled by proving sufficiently who you are and that you own a given device that requires biometrics to unlock–a fingerprint or facial scan.

Check It Out: Passwords Are Dying. Here Are Some Solutions.

One thought on “Passwords Are Dying. Here Are Some Solutions.

  • My favorite part though

    If I’d told you a decade ago that you should get rid of your passwords, you would have thought me deranged, because everything up to that point indicated we needed better, stronger, longer passwords to defeat the breaches already cropping up seemingly daily.

    Because about fifteen years ago I did a presentation for the University of Minnesota NetPeople Tech Group saying that Passwords were obsolete. That we had to do a paradigm shift and get rid of them. People can’t/won’t create or remember ones that are strong enough and they store them insecurely. I got a lot of feedback about password managers, and enforcing standards. But the problem then wasn’t how passwords were implemented. The problem was that passwords were obsolete and inappropriate for what we were using them for. Glad to see, a decade and a half later,that more are coming to realize this.

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