Apple Updates Airport Extreme, & Time Capsule with Improved Performance

The company is being a bit shy on the specifics of their improvements, but the AirPort Extreme Web page said, “improvements in antenna design give you up to 50 percent better WiFi performance and up to 25 percent better range than with the previous-generation AirPort Extreme Base Station.”

The price for AirPort Extreme base stations remains US$179.

The Time Capsule page said, “new technologies in Time Capsule and refinements to Time Machine make backing up to Time Capsule using Snow Leopard up to 60 percent faster than before.”

A footnote added, “Testing conducted by Apple in October 2009 comparing preproduction Time Capsule (Late 2009) with shipping Time Capsule (Early 2009) units. Testing was conducted on preproduction 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo-based iMac (Late 2009) systems.”

The 1TB Time Capsule is priced at $299, and the 2TB Tie Capsule is priced at $499.

Time Capsule
Apple’s Time Capsule

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