Apple is reportedly working on the second generation Apple Pencil with built-in magnets that lock to your iPad when you aren’t drawing or writing. Assuming the report is legit, Apple plans to ship Apple Pencil 2 along side new iPad models some time this year.

Along with magnets to attach Apple Pencil to your iPad, the new model will sport a pocket clip. The report doesn’t say anything about alternate tip styles or a charging cap that can’t be easily lost, both of which would be nice to see.
While it’s a safe bet Apple is working on Apple Pencil 2 designs, the built-in magnets feature is far from confirmed. The report originated on the Chinese social media site Weibo, and there isn’t any way to verify it yet.
That said, Apple does have a patent describing a way to use magnets to attach an Apple Pencil to the edge of an iPad, much like the smart cover attaches now.
Apple hasn’t said when the next iPad refresh is coming, or what features the new models will have. Analysts are saying we’ll see new iPad Pro models this spring. If that’s true, we’ll see the updated Apple Pencil about the same time.
[Thanks to Letem svetem Applem for the heads up]
Would be great if the magnetic attachment is the Smart Connection so it can charge the pencil too.