Apple Releases New Web Game to Accompany TV+ Series ‘Servant’

On Monday, Apple released an interactive experience called Survive the Attic. It is essentially an quiz web game that enhance the world of Apple TV+ show Servant.

‘Servant’ Game ‘Survive the Attic’ Latest Piece of Content to Accompany Apple TV+ Show

The game works on mobile web only (it worked on my iPhone, not my iPad). The premise is that you have 10 minutes of a ticking clock to escape from the attic.

There are puzzles and quizzes that get progressively harder. There is one minute to complete each.  Survive the Attic is really slickly made, but you probably need to have watch Servant, created by M. Night Shyamalan, to make it all the way through.

It’s a further indication of how Apple is trying to build additinal content around TV+ shows. For instance, there is an iOS app the bridges the gap between seasons one and two of For All Mankind. That show also has an official podcasts, and other shows are likely to have accompanying podcasts in the future. The issue was discussed on the latest episode of Media+.

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