Photo Service ‘Ever’ Shuts Down August 31

Citing increased competition from iCloud Photos and Google Photos, photo storage service Ever is shutting down on August 31 and will delete all photos and videos.

“The Road Goes Ever On And On”

All customer photos and videos will be purged from the company’s servers on August 31, 2020. Here’s how to export your content:

  1. Log into the Ever website or your mobile application.
  2. If you use the website, the export button will appear on the far right of the secondary navigation bar.  You can choose to export your photos and videos in the order they were uploaded or by capture year.
  3. For all mobile applications, the ‘Export Photos & Videos’ option appears under Account Settings.  You may access Account Settings by selecting the gear icon in the upper right, twice.

The service will send you an email with a link to one or more zip files with your content. Download them to save the files to your device. Depending on how much content you’re storing, the process can take anywhere from minutes to hours.

The company also has a series of Shutdown FAQs here.

One thought on “Photo Service ‘Ever’ Shuts Down August 31

  • Not a surprise, but they really should have given mor warning. Like at least let everyone know August FIRST that they were shutting down at the end of the month. I suspect there are more than a few people that won’t even get the message due to vacations, on the road for work, illness, until after the deadline.

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