Italy Launches ‘Immuni’ Contact Tracing App

Immuni App icon

Italy has launched its contact tracing app called Immuni. It uses Apple and Google’s exposure notification API. Find it on the App Store here.


Immuni was developed by the Extraordinary Commissioner in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Innovation Technology and Digitalization. It’s based on Bluetooth Low Energy, doesn’t collect any location data, and does not (and cannot) collect personally identifiable information.

Immuni screenshots

  • The data saved on the smartphone is encrypted.
  • The connections between the app and the server are encrypted.
  • All data, whether stored on the device or on the server, is deleted when no longer relevant, and certainly no later than December 31, 2020.
  • The Ministry of Health is the body that collects the data and decides for which purposes to use it. The data is used solely with the aim of containing the COVID-19 epidemic or for scientific research.
  • The data is stored on servers in Italy and managed by public bodies.

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