Hackers Dump 70,000 Tinder Photos of Women

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Over 70,000 Tinder photos of women have been dumped in an online forum for cybercrime.

Contextual clues, including particular phone models like the iPhone X seen in the photographs, as well as limited metadata, suggest that many of the (mostly) selfies were taken in recent years. Some of the photos, in fact, contain timestamps dated as recent as October 2019.

Tinder also noted that all of the photos are public and can be viewed by others through regular use of the app; although, obviously, the app is not designed to help a single person amass such a massive quantity of images. The app can also only be used to view the profiles of other users within 100 miles.

Emphasis mine.

Check It Out: Hackers Dump 70,000 Tinder Photos of Women

One thought on “Hackers Dump 70,000 Tinder Photos of Women

  • Andrew:

    “Tinder also noted that all of the photos are public and can be viewed by others through regular use of the app…”

    I’m sure that all of the women whose photos were leaked find comfort in that knowledge.

    Social media apps and sites that invite storage of personal data for private or limited sharing seem less of a double edged sword than they are a bidirectional flame thrower.

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