Would You Like a Flying Security Drone From Amazon?

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On Thursday, Amazon’s Ring surveillance company revealed a security drone that flies around your house taking photos of everything, because what could go wrong in 2020?

The company’s promotional video highlighting the camera showed a burglar breaking into a home and getting spooked as the drone flew straight at him — “Oh, no!” he exclaimed — while the homeowner watched the encounter on his phone. “Oh, yes,” the ad proclaimed.

I know what you’re thinking. Yes, it’s a real product and not a parody from The Onion.

Check It Out: Would You Like a Flying Security Drone From Amazon?

4 thoughts on “Would You Like a Flying Security Drone From Amazon?

  • To paraphrase @geoduck, “No, just no. Not from Amazon, not from Google, not from Facebook, not from Apple, not from anyone.” There are also lots of legal implications of recording the space around your home that may overlap with a neighbour’s home. And if you post that video to social media, your neighbour’s lawyers would be salivating at a payday.

  • No, just no. Not from Amazon, not from Google, not from Facebook. Hell I’m not sure I’d want one from Apple. Just no.
    Of course the issue is if you are worried about security, you are better served by several cameras with overlapping fields that send the data safely off sight. That would be far better than one drone that flies toward the noise and can be disabled with a thrown towel. But if security is that big a concern for you, just maybe you’re living in the wrong neighbourhood.

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