How Tim Cook Learned to Do Business With Donald Trump

Apple CEO Tim Cook appears to have built a functioning, if not friendly, relationship with U.S. President Donald Trump. He may face criticism for it, but Forbes outlined how Mr. Cook has done this, and the benefits to his firm.

As an openly gay CEO and supporter of Dreamers, Cook might have some personal disdain for the policies of Trump, but as Apple CEO, Cook has found a way to thread the political needle and thrive under the quixotic leader. Apple saved $43 billion by having the ability to repatriate $238 billion under the 2017 tax bill championed by Trump and the Republicans. Apple’s stock has risen over 60% since Cook’s January warning of faltering sales in China that caused the stock to plunge to a year low. Other tech stocks have done well since then, but few as well as Apple. For all of Trump’s bluster and tariff talk, his actions have been selective, and his results have been mixed. Cook has diligently forged a special relationship with Trump that has largely allowed Apple to avoid the brunt of the tariffs, thus buoying Apple’s significant investment in China and calming the fears of investors who might otherwise worry about Apple’s future.

Check It Out: How Tim Cook Learned to Do Business With Donald Trump

One thought on “How Tim Cook Learned to Do Business With Donald Trump

  • Charlotte:

    Steve Jobs is acknowledged as an undisputed genius.

    He did not pick Tim Cook as his successor out of charity.

    Specific criticisms aside, Tim Cook’s naysayers could do worse than to observe and reserve judgement for the end of his tenure.

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