Sponsor: Leawo Blu-ray Player for Mac

We would like to thank Leawo for sponsoring TMO this week. Listeners of recent Mac Geek Gab episodes have heard discussion of all manner of Blu-ray topics, and one frustration is the fact that the Mac won't natively play Blu-ray disks, even if you've got a USB Blu-ray reader. Enter Leawo's Blu-ray Player for Mac. This app (available for a fully-functioning 30-day free trial) will play Blu-rays in either windowed or full-screen mode. If your Mac is connected to an Apple TV (via AirPlay) or other multi-channel audio device via HDMI it will stream full 5.1 audio, or it will downmix it to two channels to play through your Mac's speakers or headphones.

Leawo's Blu-ray player works as a region-free Blu-ray and DVD player, as well, allowing you to play Blu-ray disks from regions A, B and C and DVDs from regions 1 through 6. Protected disks are handled equally smooth by this app, as well: it just plays them back like normal, no issues.

Leawo's Blu-ray player will read subtitles from the disk or you can add your own if you have something from Subler, for example. The UI is clean and the app is simple. If you want to play Blu-ray disks on your Mac, check it out.

Again, we would like to thank Leawo for sponsoring TMO this week with this handy (and timely) app!

If you are interested in sponsoring TMO, please {encode=”[email protected]” title=”email us”} and we'll get you more details.

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