Apple Launches COVID-19 Screening Tool on App Store and the Web

Apple COVID-19 App Icon

Apple on Friday launched both an app (iOS and iPadOS) called Apple COVID-19 and a website screening tool for COVID-19, the disease that can develop from exposure to Coronavirus. Both the app and website use information from the CDC to, “help people stay informed and take the proper steps to protect their health during the spread of COVID-19.” Apple said it worked with the CDC, the White House Coronavirus Task Force, and FEMA to develop the screening tools.

Apple COVID-19 App Icon
Apple COVID-19 App

The short version of what the app and website do is ask very simple questions, for either yourself or someone you are helping use the screening tool, and then provide information and recommendations based on current CDC guidelines. The iOS and iPadOS apps are free downloads, but require Apple devices. The website version of the screening tool can be accessed by any modern web browser, and is also free.

“The app and website also offer access to resources to help people stay informed and get the support they need,” Apple said in a press release. “Users will receive answers to frequently asked questions about COVID-19, including who is most at risk and how to recognize symptoms. In addition, they will learn the most up-to-date information from the CDC like best practices for washing hands, disinfecting surfaces and monitoring symptoms.”

As noted, the questions are quite simple, and the process takes just a few minutes. After going through the process myself, the website recommended that I practice social distancing and monitor myself for symptoms, as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot from Apple's COVID-19 Screening Tool
Screenshot from Apple’s COVID-19 Screening Tool

4 thoughts on “Apple Launches COVID-19 Screening Tool on App Store and the Web

  • I saw the app posted on the app store when I went to download the daily updates— nice simple, not intimidating screening tool. Living in Seattle area I can only assume that I have been exposed or will be exposed. And frankly, I think that anyone living almost anywhere in this country will be exposed if not infected within the next few weeks unless they practice good hygiene and social distancing.

    One thing that is rarely mentioned is that among those with no symptoms (yet) but who have been infected is that one may lose or have diminished smell or taste. I’ve seen this mentioned in articles about the Italian experience in particular. (NY Times article today about family members exposed to infected relatives in Italy). Just one more thing to consider when your throat feels a little scratchy…

    Staying under the radar, reading books, hoping for the best. Stay safe out there. Oh, and clean your phone from time to time.

  • Bryan:

    I am truly happy to see this. Hopefully, this will give people a relative sense of control by allowing them to take initiative in getting useful information that can protect themselves and their loved ones. It should also help to stem the tide of misleading and frankly false information on the internet, some of which appears to be deliberate but mostly misguided, that can endanger life when acted upon.

    There simply aren’t sufficient numbers of physicians and other health workers available to answer people’s legitimate questions in real time, and this is an important tool for the public.

    Thanks for the alert.

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