Apple Launches iOS 10 and macOS Sierra Public Betas

macOS Sierra
Apple opens macOS Sierra and iOS 10 betas to the public

Apple delivered on its promise of public betas for iOS 10 and macOS Sierra on Thursday. The betas were previously available only to developers, but now everyone can get in on the pre-release action.

macOS Sierra
Apple opens macOS Sierra and iOS 10 betas to the public

The new operating system versions are due to launch this fall, but by letting users test the betas now we’re less likely to see surprise bugs when they’re officially released.

Since these releases are betas, they’ll have bugs and other issues such as missing features, and you could potentially lose data, too. That’s the nature of beta software, so don’t install iOS 10 or macOS Sierra on mission critical devices.

You can sign up for the public beta on Apple’s website. It’s free, but Apple does ask participants to report any problems they encounter.

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