Can You Opt Out of Starlink Coverage on iPhone? What We Know

Apple surprised many by including Starlink satellite coverage in iOS 18.3. Some users want to know if they can opt out. Here's what we know.

With the surprise news that Apple has added Starlink coverage to iOS 18.3, some Apple users are questioning whether they can opt out of the service on their iPhone. While I’m not here to debate why some may want to do this, I am here to tell you whether you can. Given what we currently know, some users may not like the answer. Continue reading to learn more.

With the recent news that Apple added support for Starlink in the iOS 18.3 update, T-Mobile announced that its beta testing of SpaceX’s Starlink direct-to-cell connectivity service has now expanded to the iPhone. With the arrival of this surprise, many within the Apple Support community have expressed an interest in opting out of the Starlink service.

Walkthrough of Demo of Emergency SOS via Satellite

Satellite connectivity is a means of providing services for areas that do not have typical cellular infrastructure. Currently, only a small number of iPhone users with a T-Mobile plan can join the beta program, and Starlink access is limited to texting via satellite. There are plans for including voice and data features in the future.

As of now, the answer appears to be no. However, the feature is slowly rolling out, so time will tell if this answer changes. Since this feature is currently limited to T-Mobile customers in the company’s beta program, it may take some time before we know more about the options available to iPhone users.

As Forbes observes, Apple also has Globalstar services for Emergency SOS satellite options. However, the key difference between Globalstar and Starlink is that Starlink will work ‘right from your pocket,’ according to IBC Group founder Mario Nawfal. It’s also important to remember that Apple invested heavily in Globalstar as recently as November 2024.

Given this, it’s possible users may have options for what satellites they use, but this is a rough guess based on information currently known. Considering Starlink connectivity was a surprise in the first place, this is still a developing story, and people will have to take a ‘wait-and-see’ approach.

Of course, we at TMO will keep you up to date on all the latest iPhone news.

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