Dolly Drive Introduces First Time Machine Online Backup

As many Mac OS X users know, Time Machine allows one to back up the content of their hard drive to another attached hard drive, a Time Capsule, or a drive connected to an AirPort Extreme. Dolly drive extends this concept by also allowing you to back up to the “cloud,” or a network drive that isn’t connected to your Mac or local network.

Dolly Drive Options

Once you’ve created a Dolly Drive account, run the Dolly Drive Backup Assistant. It will ask you for your account information, which mounts the Dolly Drive cloud drive, and then lets you enter the familiar Time Machine interface, where you select the drive you’d like to use for backup. Unlike Time Machine, you can also select specific files and folders that you’d like to back up. Dolly Drive also allows one to create a bootable clone of their drive, so you can get the best of both cloud and local storage.

“We’re adding incremental and scheduled clones soon,” Mr. Palermno told TMO. “And since we didn’t have to hack Time Machine, Dolly Drive will still work when Apple updates Mac OS X.”

Dolly Drive both encrypts and compresses the data sent to the cloud, so you not only get assurance that your data can’t be compromised while being sent over the Internet, but that you are getting maximum throughput when sending your data.

Dolly Drive version 1.0 is available now, with their Quick Start plan offering 250 GB of storage for US$10 per month. Version 1.1, which should be released in two weeks, will offer the ability to schedule backups and more.

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