Following on the heels of Facebook, it appears that iCloud is also suffering some outages.
[Was the Facebook Outage Linked to This Criminal Investigation?]
iCloud Outage
Apple’s System Status page shows a bunch of areas in which problems are occurring. All of them starting at 8AM Pacific/11AM Eastern. So far the services affected by the outage include:
iCloud Account and Sign In, iCloud Backup, iCloud Bookmarks and Tabs, iCloud Calendar, iCloud Contacts, iCloud Drive, iCloud Keychain, iCloud Mail, iCloud Notes, iCloud Reminders, iCloud Storage Upgrades, iCloud Web Apps, and iWork for iCloud. Other non-iCloud items down for some users include Back to My Mac, Documents In The Cloud, Find My Friends, Find My iPhone, Mail Drop, News, and Photos.

One is an anomaly we can joke about, as we did with Facebook this morning.
But then iCloud…hmmm…
Now I’m wondering if there’s some sort of DDOS attack that’s going down the line. We’ll know if GoogleDrive or Microsoft’s cloud service drops tomorrow.
Facebook claims it wasn’t a DDOS so I don’t know. But it’s definitely weird.
On the Ritz
We’re playing word association?
🎶 Come with me and we’ll attend their collusion
And see them hack their last two bits
Putin’ on the Ritz