Jumping Ship to Microsoft Stores: Good for Some Apple Employees

I like the idea for several reasons.

First, people who work in the Apple retail stores likely have always wanted to work for Apple. While it’s a somewhat different experience than being a software engineer on Apple’s campus at 1 Infinite Loop, playing volleyball in the quadrangle lawn, and eating lunch at Cafe Macs, it’ll do for one good reason. One doesn’t have to move to California, but can remain in the city of choice. Perhaps the employee has education or family ties that make that a good choice.

The down side is that working for Apple can make one feel, all at once, joyful, dazed and under the gun, managers and regular staff. It’s an emotional combination new to many people. For example, because the enthusiasm for Apple is so great, one is all too willing to get up early on a Saturday morning for a 7:00 AM briefing in preparation for a new iPhone rollout. Apple employees know that if they demur, the regional manager has a pile of hundreds of resumes of people who are willing to do exactly that.

That can lead to a boatload of excitement combined with exhaustion. For young people who are single, it’s perhaps not a problem. However, for those who are married and/or have other family obligations, it can create occasional but severe conflicts.

Apple knows that highly enthusiastic, near fanatic employees are ready and willing to work exhausting hours. It’s not a problem until, one day, an employee’s perspective turns from thoughts of exhilaration to worker abuse. People respond differently.

In some cases, it may be a breath of fresh air for some of those Apple employees to move into something less of a pressure cooker. On top of that, Microsoft is much more open, often providing businesses with roadmaps, time tables, and so on. That more open business atmosphere may be more attractive for some kinds of sales people.

Secondly, it’s always good for young sales people to move around and be exposed to different companies, their products and their ways of doing business. Microsoft does a significant business worldwide, and many sales people will benefit from seeing how Microsoft operates and how people respond to their products.

Finally, I’m reminded of a famous story about the old Soviet Union and the Cold War. Some Russians were gathered in a private home to worship in secret. Then there was an ominous knock at the door — Russian soldiers. The soldiers barged in and pointed their rifles at the worshippers and said, “Anyone who isn’t a true believer, can leave now. The rest of you will have to pay the price.”

After those who were weak in their belief left, and the door was closed, the remaining worshippers huddled together, prepared to die. Then the soldiers put down their rifles, and said, “We came to worship with you! And we wanted to make sure anyone who was not a true believer and might turn us all in was gone!”

Computers, music players and smartphones constitute a large and complex technical community. Microsoft knows that there is a natural fluidity there, especially when they offer a Apple employees a raise. Even so, money alone can’t buy loyalty. It can only rent it for a short time.

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