Transmit 5 Now Available in the Mac App Store

Transmit in the Mac App Store

At WWDC in June, one of the announcements was about how the Mac App Store was getting a revamp. This new version would operate much more like the iTunes App Store, and part of that announcement was that some apps of note would show up in that shiny new store, including text editor BBEdit and the FTP app Transmit, from Panic Software. As of today, Transmit is now available in the Mac App Store.

Transmit in the Mac App Store

From the blog post on Panic’s web site:

macOS Mojave gave us a significantly improved App Store that caters to professionals like yourself and seems to treat apps with respect. And sandboxing has evolved enough that Transmit can be near feature-parity with its non-sandboxed cousin.

Transmit 5 App Store Differences

However, the Mac App Store version does include a couple of notable changes: First, the Mac App Store version is subscription software, which will cost $24.99 per year. If you don’t want a subscription that’s fine, you can still buy a license for Transmit for $45 just like before. And there’s one functional difference between the two versions, the “Open in Terminal” command which isn’t possible with Sandboxing at the moment.

Also of note in the blog post is the last line of the FAQ which says “More on Coda soon!” So there’s a bit of good news if you’re also a Coda user. Sadly, there is no mention of the iOS version of Transmit making a comeback, but maybe if the subscription proves viable, one of the features could be access to an iOS version.

One thought on “Transmit 5 Now Available in the Mac App Store

  • Panic missed the boat on this one. I would have purchased again on the Mac App Store if it wasn’t a subscription. It makes installing on a new Mac so much easier. Oh well. I will have to stick to an easy install version 4 or a serial numbered version 5 install.

    I do not buy subscriptions to software. I hope they do not do the same thing to Coda!

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