Want to Edit Your Tweets? Let Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Know

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey wants to know what features you’d like to see added to the social networking and microblogging service. The ability to edit tweets is at the top of our list, and it looks like that’s what most everyone else wants, too.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is asking about new features you want
Jack Dorsey wants to know what new Twitter features you want

Mr. Dorsey used Twitter to reach out to users asking, “What’s the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017?”

The responses he’s getting aren’t too surprising. Along with an edit feature, people are interested in more effective reporting for bullies, abusers, and threats.

Editing tweets after they’re posted is something users have been clamoring for well before Mr. Dorsey’s call for suggestions. The ability to edit after posting is something pretty much every other service offers and is a glaring omission from Twitter.

It’s something he’s at least considering and went so far as to tweet, “We’re thinking about it.” Apparently exactly how editing should work is a big question for Twitter because Mr. Dorsey is asking if tweets should be editable for a narrow window of time after posting, or indefinitely.

Addressing threats, hate speech, online bullying, and other abuse is a big topic, too. Twitter has drawn plenty of criticism for the way it deals with abusive users and many people feel the company is essentially ineffective with handling the problem.

If you have suggestions for Mr. Dorsey send him a tweet. His Twitter name is @jack, and be sure to include the #Twitter2017 hashtag.

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